CE-THE BASICS OF DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER Student AttestationBy checking YES in the box below and completing the Student Information following.I attest I have watched, IN ITS ENTIRETY, the CE video The Basics of Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Quick Overview and the Beginnings of Treatment for this Complex Disorder (2.0 CEU's), presented by: Tracy Rowe LISW-S, Registered Play Therapist(Required) YES Student InformationEnter your NAME & CREDENTIALS (e.g., Jane Doe, MA, LPCC-S), and PROFESSIONAL LICENSE NUMBER (e.g., E.1010101) below as you would like it to appear on your Certificate of Completion:Name(Required) First Last Credentials(Required)Professional License Number(Required)Email(Required) CE Course Post-TestPlease answer all questions. 70% of the questions must be answered correctly to be awarded continuing education credit.1. True or False? Dissociative Identity Disorder is incredibly rare and most clinicians will never see it in practice.(Required) True False 2. What percentage of the population is estimated to have DID?(Required)Click Drop Down to choose your answerA. 3 percentB. 1.5 percentC. .5 percentD. 2 percent3. Some of the major criteria that need to present when diagnosing DID are:(Required)Click Drop Down to choose your answerA. AmnesiaB. 2 or more distinct personality traitsC. Symptoms clinically significant and disruptive to a person’s life. They are not attributed to substance use or a general medical conditionD. All of the above4. Patients spend an average of what amount of time in treatment before being diagnosed as DID:(Required)Click Drop Down to choose your answerA. 1-2 yearsB. 6-12 monthsC. 5-12 yearsD. 3-5 years5. DID can be confused with other mental health disorders. The following disorders are often diagnosed before arriving at the diagnosis of DID:(Required)Click Drop Down to choose your answerA. Borderline Personality DisorderB. SchizophreniaC. Bipolar DisorderD. All of the above6. True or False? Each alter has a purpose for the individual.(Required) True False 7. According to Mike, what is one of the most important aspects of treating a client with DID:(Required)Click Drop Down to choose your answerA. Showing the client you do not believe themB. TrustC. Confronting each alterD. None of the above8. The following treatment is NOT shown to offer much help for those with DID:(Required)Click Drop Down to choose your answerA. CBTB. DBTC. EMDRD. Medication9. Alters may have distinct characteristics including:(Required)Click Drop Down to choose your answerA. HandwritingB. TastesC. Clothing styleD. All of the above10. When treating a client who you believe has DID, what should you do:(Required)Click Drop Down to choose your answerA. Be rigid with your expectations to help the client learn boundariesB. Go slow and make sure you are not overwhelming the clientC. Be non-judgmental and get to know the client and altersD. Both B and CCE Course EvaluationThe following course evaluation must be completed to be awarded continuing education credit. Your answers will enable us to improve our program offerings in the future AND address issues with this course in particular.1. Was this course delivery method conducive to learning?(Required) 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree 6. N/A 2. Were the learning objectives stated in the course introduction met in your opinion?(Required) 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree 6. N/A 3. Did you gain new knowledge through this course?(Required) 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree 6. N/A 4. Did the speaker's/presenter's presentation style facilitate your learning?(Required) 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree 6. N/A 5. Were the handouts/audiovisual aids helpful in the course?(Required) 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree 6. N/A 6. Will this information be useful in your interactions with your clients?(Required) 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree 6. N/A 7. Suggestions for improvement:Type your response here.8. Suggestions for future courses:Type your response here.