Introduction to Islam Part II
1.0 CEU's
Presented by Imam Ismaeel Chartier
Course CEDL.0113.1.0
Please join us for the second installment of “Introduction to Islam.” In this workshop we will continue the dialogue about the fundamental beliefs and practices of the Islamic faith, the diversity among Muslims and the intersectionality between race, gender and religion. We will also discuss common misconceptions of Muslims and the implications these may have on the therapeutic relationship and in diagnoses and treatment.
Islam is the second largest religion in the world yet is largely misunderstood. Ignoring religious and cultural influences may lead to harmful therapeutic consequences. This training will therefore assist mental health professionals in their interaction and treatment of individuals practicing the Islamic faith.
The purpose of this training is to help TCS' clinicians understand the provision of Mental Health Services from a perspective that remains sensitive to multicultural needs/preferences. TCS continues to promote cultural competence and sensitivity. Recently, an emphasis has been placed within the Counseling and Social Work professions on adapting its knowledge base and practices to operate in a culturally diverse world. This calls for developing a different knowledge base for each culture encountered.
Thus, it is imperative that TCS clinicians become familiar with the facts about Muslims including culture, customs, history and values. This presentation will be an opportunity to learn about the religion of Islam, its history and culture.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the basic tenets of Islam, its values and teachings, laws and expectations.
- Understand the interwoven nature of culture and religion and learn many ways that can be expressed in daily life.
- Become familiar with customs and traditions specific to Muslims that may impact the therapeutic relationship, specifically related to trust, secrets, rapport, and the values impact perceptions with regard to mental health.
- Discuss the potential discomfort that may arise in addressing various cultural issues and practices.
- Gain an understanding of/appreciation for the struggles/challenges faced by our Muslim population.
- Use the knowledge gained in this workshop to enable the clinician to provide culturally relevant assessment and treatment to our Muslim clients.
1.0 hours of continuing education credit will be available to those who complete the entire course presentation, take and pass the post-test (70% of questions, at a minimum, must be answered correctly), and complete a course evaluation.