Primary Organizational Goals for 2022
TCS will further the development systems that will allow it to successfully transition through the billing and collections associated with BHR Phase II – "Re-Procurement"
TCS will continue to positively influence state government and administrators to constructively organize and manage the state’s Community Mental Health System through continuing lobbying and advocacy efforts in Columbus.
TCS will review its current compensation and benefit package in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic and make changes to both to ensure its continuing competitive edge in the hiring and retention of the most qualified professional workforce available.
Rebuild loss capacity for client service (replace recent staff losses) making efforts to identify, assess, and hire qualified staff for clinical service to our clients.
Further establish the range and extent of clients served by TCS utilizing telehealth and associated technologies.
Explore expanding access to Ohio residents who are Medicaid eligible by establishing a state wide network of private practitioners under the TCS umbrella.